
Can a website reduce stress while inspiring parents, students, and teachers?

The Placer County Office of Education (PCOE) has a big job. They are responsible for assuring the implementation and delivery of California’s evolving spectrum of public education and support programs for students, parents, and educators in Placer County.

Totaling hundreds of programs, this includes the regular curriculum, special education programs, behavioral programs, early development programs and a full spectrum of credentialed programs for career for educators.

The PCOE website has a big job too, with an average of 15,000 Placer County students, parents and educators visiting the site each month to learn the latest about these programs.

But this website faces a unique challenge.   When new programs are announced, students want to see the descriptions, parents look for available locations and educators want to sign up for the classes required to teach it. 


“You’ve made it very difficult to decide which website marketing campaign to choose.  I want both…”  “I am again proud of our website.”

Gayle Garbolino-Mojica
Placer County Superintendent of Schools

In order to provide visitors with the proper information, the site needs to take into account who is doing the search (students, parents, or educators) and then organize the results accordingly. Unfortunately, PCOE’s website was not up to the task.

Unfortunately, PCOE’s Website was not up to the Task.

A recent survey of their website users, both employees and the general public, revealed that almost everyone found their site to be very difficult to navigate and not very helpful at providing the information they were looking for.



Parents couldn’t find:
- What District they were in
- Which Schools applied to them
- What Special Programs and Services were available

Educators couldn’t find:
- Career development information
- Credential programs class schedules
- Coaching and Grant opportunities

Community Leaders, Committee Members and Sponsors couldn’t find:- - Meeting agendas and minutes
- Agency initiatives
- Events and news

And no one could find a directory that would give them the right person to contact when they gave up looking. With thousands of website visitors encountering this situation monthly, PCOE management launched a project to quickly replace their site and began a search for a qualified agency.

Early Concerns about SharePoint
PCOE had been using Microsoft SharePoint for their public facing site. They were concerned about the difficulty of updating their SharePoint pages and the trouble they had with making it look appealing.

Enter Jack Frost Design
Having impressed PCOE with the capabilities of SharePoint as a website platform, and our ability to create great-looking pages that were dramatically easier to update, Jack Frost Design was awarded the contract to build the new site.


Upon blueprinting the initial environment, we found much to our surprise that there was no shortage of information contained within it. There were literally hundreds of pages detailing all of the classes, programs, services, and information that parents, educators and community leaders were looking for.  

Unfortunately, most of it was not connected to the sites navigation system!

Working with the sponsors and the steering committee we quickly developed and refined a blueprint for arranging the pages into “chapters” that would group pages with related content. Since these pages were in a SharePoint document library, we were also able to add metadata that would allow us to target individual pages to specific audiences (parents, teachers, students, sponsors).

Having the pages “tagged” this way allowed us to implement a “Mega Menu” navigation system that could offer the pages based on the visitors “audience” or the structure of the organization or both, at the same time, automatically.  Also, as new pages were added they would automatically be available to the correct audiences in the correct chapters by simply adding a few tags.

Fortunately, because the existing webpages were in an earlier version of SharePoint, they were able to be migrated into SharePoint 2019 easily. While this provided us the content that we needed for the various programs and services, we needed a way to dramatically improve the visual appeal of the page while simplifying the process of updating it.

Enter Page Layout

Utilizing the creation of a custom Layout Page we were able to create a number of named Web Part zones that we could apply custom code to in order to give each one unique formatting. By placing content editor web parts into the named zones we were able to achieve a very sophisticated look, feel and function for the new pages while achieving an incredibly short learning curve for page editing.

The Quick Link bar on the left side of the page opens each section in each site chapter

Welcome Zone
Provides visitors with an general description and visual cues and a summary of the purpose of this page.

Documents and Forms Zone
Provides the visitor with a single or multiple tab section which contains all information about that topic in a single location. If there are multiple Tabs are required, each Tab can collapse and expand

Departmental Pictures Zone
Provides visitors with the appropriate department contact choice

Need Assistance Zone
Provides visitors with self-service answers to questions and/or links to the information provided on the site

Services Spotlight Zone
Provides visitors quotations and/or Spotlight quotations

Announcements, Contacts, FAQs, Key Links, and Text Page Editing

Announcements, Contacts, FAQs, Key Links, and Text Page Editing

Editing Documents and Images

Editing Documents and Images

Extra Credit – Records Management


With all of the sites content pages being served up from a SharePoint document library and all of the content on those pages being contained within content editor web parts, we were also able to achieve the oftentimes elusive goal of “records management”.

Every edit of any page (regardless of where on the page it occurs) causes the page to be saved as a new “major version”. This means PCOE will have a record of each version of each page that appears on their public facing website on a going forward basis.


Extracurricular Activities

What’s My District

As the site was coming together we developed (with the help of the Google mapping service) a web page that would automatically generate a visual map of the parents district and the appropriate schools within it by simply entering their street address and hitting a key.


Staff Directory

We also implemented an automated connection from the SharePoint environment to Active Directory which, with some updating, allowed us to create a searchable page that would find the right contact for every person or program within the organization.

The search function provides visitors with the ability to search by an individual’s name, department or subject matter criteria.

Reaching the appropriate staff member directly is important to all Office of Education organizations. Providing access to the information needed by teachers, parents and students is a vital service provided by PCOE. So, JFD implemented a Staff Directory that reduced the number of calls having hop from the receptionist to a team member, while preventing unsolicited email solicitations and Robo Calls.

By adding the advanced Reveal feature, for each individual’s email and phone number, JFD took the appropriate steps to protect email accounts and phone numbers from website bot harvesting.

Need Assistance
A third enhancement was the creation of an interactive “assistance” function, integrated into the primary navigation of the site. We identified three reasons this online enhancement would serve the organization, parents, students and teachers.

One: Provide critical and valuable information to the site visitors across the entire site within minutes. The Need Assistance feature was implemented so it could appear in the top navigation for organization wide information and be available on site pages providing answers to frequently asked questions for specific services and departments.

Two: Reduce the number of incoming calls through the organization’s main phone number, while improving access to information needed to mobile users; which in this client’s case represented 62% of site visitors.

Three: Allow the administrative staff of the site to easily inject additional help into the pages wherever and whenever the need might arise and within minutes.




PCOE’s initial user surveys indicated that 62% of their site visits were from Mobile devices. The site and the What’s My District Mobile APP can be used by parents, educators and students to determine the geographic guidelines for schools located in the local district.

Key Elements:
App designed & developed for both iOS & Android platform
Google Maps locator
Web Services (REST API)
Location Services
Media & Storage
Bulk Images handling during server communication
Back-end systems to manage address location details


The Crowning Glory, Adding the Site’s Message


When the initial surveys of site visitors were conducted, a universal complaint was that the website failed to tell the organization’s story; their commitment to educating our young people and their optimism for education generally. To communicate this message in a profound way we created a website theme that focused on a dramatic message that “with the right teacher anything is possible” and worked that theme into the entire website. For the parents, this message reassures them that the future of their child is in good hands and for the teachers, it underscores just how important they are to the equation.

Visit the site and take a tour, we challenge you to try and get lost and more importantly to not end up inspired about the Placer County Office of Education. http://www.placercoe.org